Robert Edwards Photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK—APRIL 8, 2013—On May 11 at its Oklahoma City facility, Heritage Place, Inc., will sell four royally-bred two-year-old colts for VSE, which has consigned the horses on behalf of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
The four horses all sold as yearlings during Labor Day weekend of 2012 in the Ruidoso Select Yearling Sale and were seized last fall. The horses are:
ROCKET AND ROLL, brown colt foaled 4-15-11
(Corona Cartel—Apollitical Time, by Apollo TB)
MAJESTIC CARTEL, bay colt foaled 2-25-11
(Corona Cartel—Five Bar Molly, by Dash Ta Fame)
BLAZIN N DASHIN, gray colt foaled 4-20-11
(First Down Dash—Blazin N Shakin, by Chicks A Blazin)
FIRST TEMPTING DASH, chestnut colt foaled 5-11-11
(First Down Dash—A Tempting Chick, by Chicks Beduino)
“The horses will sell at 1 p.m. that Saturday and will be the only four horses selling,” said Heritage Place chief financial officer and general manager Jeff Tebow.
Trials for the $1 million Heritage Place Futurity will be run Friday evening and Saturday evening at nearby Remington Park so many interested individuals should be in Oklahoma City when the horses are sold.
Additionally, the sale will be video-streamed with bidding available on the internet.
Spence Kidney, the director of operations at Heritage Place, said the four horses never entered training but have had excellent care and appear to be ready to enter training.
“We do not believe that any of the four are paid into any races, but there are several races where they could be paid late such as the $1 million Texas Classic Futurity G1. It has a late nomination deadline of May 15. The original nomination deadline for the Dash For Cash Futurity G1 is in July,” Kidney said. “Those races are run this fall at Lone Star, and these horses possibly could be ready to run by then.”
Rocket And Roll is a half-brother to World Champion Apollitical Jess $1.4 million. Majestic Cartel is a half-brother to RG2 winner Fly Bar Special $110,787, a full brother to G1 finalist Mollys Cartel $150,000 and half-brother to G1 placed Freedom Choice $281,000. Blazin N Dashin is one of the first foals out of RG1 winner Blazin N Shakin $635,000. First Tempting Dash is a full brother to Champion Tempting Dash $674,000 and G1 winner A Tempting Dash $542,000.
In the 2012 Heritage Place Fall Mixed on November 1-3, Heritage Place sold more than 300 head consigned by VSE for more than $8.7 million.
Kidney said Heritage would host a Spring Open House and lunch at 11 a.m. on sale day for everyone in town for the sale and Heritage Place Futurity and Heritage Place Derby trials. The four-horse sale will begin promptly at 1 p.m., allowing everyone ample time to get to the track for the first race of the second day of Heritage Place Futurity trials.
Updates to Sale will be posted as soon as available.
Courtesy of TRACK Magazine