© Katelyn Ewing
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK–OCTOBER 31, 2024–The first day of the Heritage Place Fall Mixed Sale finished strong in all 3 sessions with opening Quarter Horse yearling sessions headed by three six figure yearlings.
Quarter Horse yearlings averaged $18,319, which is up 30% over the same session last year, with 80% of the yearlings marked sold. Thoroughbred Yearlings averaged $12,794 compared to last year’s $4454 average.
The final session was a mixed session with an average on horses sold $14,867 and 86% sold.
“A good crowd was on hand to enjoy some more seasonable weather in Oklahoma than what we experienced last month, and the trade seemed lively through all sessions today.” Heritage Place General Manager Spence Kidney said Thursday evening.
“The catalog for the next 2 days has something for everyone, and we look forward to a good rest of the sale” he added
Solo Select, Agent consigned Thursday’s high-seller Hip 165 Apollitical Beau, a son of leading sire Apollitical Jess. Jimmy Harrel and Ryan Terry paid $115,000 for bay colt from the AQHA Dam of Distinction Jess Sass Me by Mr Jess Perry. Apollitical Beau is a sibling to 14 black type including champions Jess Walking Thru and Sass Me Blue.
Jose Flores, Agent paid $102,000 for the second high-seller, Hip 127 Brother Ray, a colt by leading sire Favorite Cartel from the Check Him Out mare Tac Out. Burns Ranch, Agent consigned the bay colt from the family of stakes winners Pitbull, Southwesterly, Attack The Cartel, etc.
Burns Ranch, Agent also consigned the third high-seller, Hip 105 Terrorizer, a colt by One Famous Eagle out of Send Me Special by Oak Tree Special. Tom & Bill Maher and Paul Luedemann paid $100,000 for the colt from the family of champions Jess Good Candy, Chasing AJ and Champion of Champions winner Apollitical Pence.
Adam Bryan paid $100,000 for the high-selling Thoroughbred yearling, Hip 189 Unnamed. Red Earth Trainer Center / West Win Farms consigned the full sister to multiple stakes winner Miss Code West.
Tom Scheckel was the session 1 leading buyer with three purchases for gross receipts of $127,000. Jimmy Harrel and Ryan Terry had the one purchase for $115,00 and Jose Flores, Agent had the one for $102,000.
Burns Ranch, Agent was the opening session leading consignor with eight head grossing $352,000. Solo Select, Agent sold 10 for $260,200 and Red Earth Training Center / West Win Farms had 20 gross $246,500.
Apollitical Jess was the opening session leading yearling sire (by average, two or more sold) with two head averaging $70,500. Favorite Cartel had three head average $57,667 and One Famous Eagle sold four head that averaged $57,500.
Carters Cartel was the opening session leading covering sire (by average, two or more sold) with three in-foal mares averaging $12,000.
CLICK HERE for day 1 preliminary results, with hip-by-hip results.